Our Schedule

Midweek Study

We meet for Midweek Study and really dig into stuff. Via ZOOM Wednesdays at 7:00pm
Please send your contact information to mail@therefugeattleboro.com

The Hour of Prayer | 9:30 AM

This is the hour before Sunday worship, where we gather to prepare ourselves in prayer and meditation for what God has for us.

Sunday Worship | 10:30 AM

In this hour, we engage in heartfelt worship with music & singing, prayers, Scripture readings, and preaching.  Our worship gatherings are Pentecostal, passionate, structured, and meaningful, inviting you to join in the worship experience.

Suggested Reading for Sunday Worship

Today's Devotional

Our Community

Our Centennial Celebration!

What We Believe

In Jesus

That he really lived and taught wonderful things and performed amazing miracles, and gave the common people hope for a better tomorrow.

  • That he really died on a cross for us all, and that he was buried in a borrowed tomb. That he really rose from the dead...just like the Bible says....and that he's alive forever.

    And yes, we believe that Jesus is God...that He still changes lives...even now, in our post-modern, cynical world. What's more, we believe that the living Jesus can empower your life.

In Following Jesus

That the best way to know Jesus & learn about him is to follow him...to be his disciple. A disciple is a person who's made a commitment to learn from someone, to accept the discipline of that study.

  • That the more you learn about Jesus, the more persuaded you'll be about his claims. Once you believe that Jesus is who he claims to be, you'll need to make a conscious choice to turn away from any practice that's sinful.

    That you should then be baptized in water, which separates you from your past and publicly associates you with Jesus & His followers. (Along with some other pretty amazing things!)

In a New System

That this process makes us part of something radically inclusive & equitable...

  • That whatever a person's social background, ethnicity, politics, gender, or condition, Jesus declared the arrival of a New System , a new way of being that embraces us all.

    That this New System is also radically transforming...that it takes us in our diversity and makes of us one New People, with new hopes, new desires, and new power.

    That those who've been made part of this New System live by a radically different rule of life, with different values that begin with loving God and each other.